
Wild berries: a feast of perfect well-being

5 August 2020
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Little, roundish, and colourful: in summer, nature offers us the wild berries, which stay at the top of the health hit parade.

Strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, currants and blueberries: a summer team at the service of your well-being. Plus, they are delicious, as well as super-versatile in cooking.

So, let’s take advantage of the coming of the right season to make a feast of these virtue treasures. Here are all of their properties.

Wild berries’ thousands of beneficial properties

A wild berries’ bowl a day… keeps the doctor away. Good, sweet and light: they will be your best allies in summer 2020. They are reach in water and play an effective re-hydrating action for the body, besides being an excellent source of fibre and being low in calories. Actually, they are the perfect snack in weight loss diets, as they are nutritious and satiating, but not too much caloric. Plus, they are good for children’s health too, as they stimulate memory. So, it is no coincidence that popular medicine has deduced many effective remedies exactly from these fruits.

Fragole Melinda

In the kitchen with wild berries: from starters to desserts

Wild berries are the red and blue line for a true gourmet dinner. A banquet of strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, currants and blackberries: Melinda will surely make your menu exceptionally original and tasty.

Wild berries and cheese canapés

Let’s start with a simple but good-looking appetizer: cheese canapés with wild berries. You just have to cut the soft cheese into slices, pour some honey on them and sprinkle with chopped hazelnuts. Final touch? Decorate it with the wild berries you prefer, and the entrée is served!

Blackberries risotto

Why don’t you try to serve a colourful plate of blackberries risotto? You have to prepare some stock, toast the rice in a pan with butter and douse it with a fruity red wine. Add some of the stock to the rice and, when it is almost cooked, add the blackberries, previously blended and filtered. The result is a very simple yet impressive first course.

The winning team

The wild berries do their best work with very tasty meat. The trick is to prepare the right sauce to accompany the meat at best. You just have to heat your wild berries in a pan, in order to let them release their juice; then, you have to add the juice some sugar and an aromatic ingredient, as red wine or balsamic vinegar. Finally, filter everything, serve with the selected meat and… the game is made! 😉

Dessert? They are good with everything!

In a mousse, in a custard or even warm on the ice cream: wild berries are always awfully good! There’s nothing easier than improvise as great gourmets and cooking masters by using currants, blackberries and raspberries to prepare irresistible desserts. The choice is up to you, you can’t go wrong.

Lamponi Melinda

Are you ready to use Melinda’s wild berries in all of these recipes? Find them out now on our website!

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