General information (our site)
This website is managed by the Consorzio Melinda Sca, a company subject to the provisions of Italian law. The site can be accessed from all the countries around the world. As each of these countries has laws that may differ from Italian laws, those accessing this site accept that Italian legislation is the only law applicable for any questions deriving from or inherent to use of this site or its content.
Copyright and any other rights linked and relative to text, pictures, sounds, software and any other material published on this site belong to the Consorzio Melinda Sca, which is their proprietor or has been authorised by the rightful owners.
Any reproduction, even partial, of this site is forbidden, unless this is for home use, or for personal or cultural information. Any material reproduced from the site for these purposes must however bear a copyright notice. No total or partial reproduction of this site may be sold or distributed for commercial purposes, nor modified or incorporated into any other work or publication, whether printed or electronic, including therefore posting on other sites. Unauthorised use, or any use that contravenes the law, shall be lead to civil and criminal charges made by Consorzio Melinda Sca.
Brand names
All the brand names that appear in this site are the property of Consorzio Melinda Sca, or used under licence/with the consent of their proprietor. Any reproduction for the public is forbidden. These brand names include, without any limitation, the ”name”, “logos”, “product names” and “slogans”. Unless authorised by Consorzio Melinda Sca, use of any brand name on this site is forbidden and constitutes an act of fraud punishable by law.
The information in this site has been entered in good faith with the sole aim of providing general information, with no guarantees given for its accuracy or completeness. The photos of the products are intended merely by way of illustration. News and communication uploaded to the site by users are not checked by Consorzio Melinda Sca, which however reserves the right to not publish them or delete them at its total discretion. No responsibility in merit can be attributed to Consorzio Melinda Sca.
Neither Consorzio Melinda Sca, its functionaries, employees or agents can be held responsible for any loss, damage or expenses deriving from use of this site or of any other linked thereto, including, without constraint, any indirect, incidental or consequential loss of profit. Consorzio Melinda Sca reserves the right to make any discretionary changes or corrections to the site, without prior notice.
Links on the site
Several sections of the site have links to other internet sites held to be of interest for the user and relevant to a particular aspect of this site. This does not imply that Consorzio Melinda Sca is associated with the linked sites and/or their owners, nor that the above sites have been previously checked or approved by the former beforehand. Neither the company, its functionaries, employees or agents are in any way responsible for the linked sites or any information they may contain. Should the user at any time realise they have accessed another site, they can return to this site by clicking on the “back” arrow-button or by entering http://www.melinda.it.
Gathering and use of Personal Information
Consorzio Melinda Sca uses cookies to record your preferences and to create a corresponding website. Cookies are used for statistical analysis on site use and to allow various services to function that require user path identification through the pages viewed. Cookies cannot be traced to the user’s personal data. Personal cookies, which enable identification of the person through database cross-referencing and are used to speed up identification for access to reserved access sections on the site and to determined personalised services (e.g. competitions), are only used for those users who have already given their authorisation on registration.
Most browsers are set to receive cookies. If users prefer, they can modify their settings, but this may exclude some of the site functions.
Users must carefully read the following information notes to find out more about the behaviour code adopted by Consorzio Melinda Sca regarding protection of personal data. Use of our site entails acceptance of the regulations given. We however reserve the faculty to change these at any time, subject to a communication sent to users.
INFORMATIVE NOTES IN COMPLIANCE WITH Italian legislative decree no. 196 of 30/6/2003 (CONSOLIDATED PRIVACY LAW)
Consorzio Melinda Sca gathers and uses its users’ personal data in compliance with Italian Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30/6/2003, in order to guarantee that processing of said data completely respects the rights, fundamental liberties and dignity of people.
Pursuant to and in accordance with article 13 of the above decree, we inform you that the data you have provided via this site will be processed in compliance with the obligations of privacy, lawfulness and transparency laid down by the legislation, protecting the rights of each user.
These informative notes tell all users how Consorzio Melinda Sca fulfils its information obligations as required by law, even before they start the registration process.
The data will be electronically processed by Consorzio Melinda Sca, with registered offices at 200/9 Via Trento, Cles, for the purposes of statistics, marketing operations and provision of the services detailed on the site. The data will not be disclosed and may be communicated, still for the above-described purposes, to Consorzio Melinda Sca companies or third party companies linked to the consortium with a contract. The data processing may entail the use of suitable electronic means according to the above-mentioned decree and, however in compliance with security and privacy canons. In compliance with art. 7 of Italian Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30/6/2003, given below, each user has the right at any time and free of charge, to ask for information regarding the data provided, their processing methods and purposes, and to request their modification and/or cancellation or refuse their further use and finally to obtain information about initiatives in which he or she is participant. To do so, or to have further information about methods used to gather and use personal data, or for questions and/or suggestions, users can write to:
Consorzio Melinda Sca
Via Trento, 200/9
38023 Cles (TN)
Right to access personal data and other rights
1. The data subject has the right to receive confirmation of the existence or not of personal data of which he/she is subject, even if not yet registered, and communication of the same in intelligible form.
2. The data subject has the right to receive indication about:
a) the origin of the personal data;
b) the purposes and methods of processing;
c) logics applied in the case of electronic processing;
d) the identity of the owner, the controllers and the representative appointed in compliance with the terms of art. 5, 2;
e) the subjects and subject categories to which personal data may be communicated or which may receive such information while acting as a national territory representative, processors or appointees.
3. The data subject has the right to:
a) update, modify or if so desired, integrate the data;
b) cancel, transform into anonymous format or block data processed in violation of the law, including that which it is not necessary to preserve in relation to the purposes for which said data was collected or subsequently processed;
c) confirmation that procedures under a) and b) have been brought to the attention of persons to whom said data have been communicated or transmitted, except in the case in which such communication proves impossible or involves means manifestly disproportionate with respect to the right protected.
4. The data subject has the right, wholly or in part, to oppose:
a) when his/her reasons are legitimate, processing of personal data, even if pertinent to the purposes of the data collection;
b) processing of his/her personal data for the purposes of issuing advertising or direct sales material or for market research or commercial communications.
Registration on the site is not obligatory, but it enables access to additional services that complete and enrich the browsing experience on the site. The party creating the account is the only person responsible for the personal information provided. Use of the basic content is guaranteed to all, including non-registered users.
The information that identified users is gathered in order to provide personalised services that require authentication, not for cognitive purposes, but for purposes directly linked and instrumental to provision of the services described on the site, namely:
- the personal page and related services
- participation in competitions
- participation in the site community, for expressing your opinion
- receipt of the newsletter with information and promotions
- access to special offers
- participation in market surveys on the popularity of our products and services
- mailing of commercial and/or scientific information, advertising material, free samples and gifts.
These data could be indispensable, for example, when users need to register to take part in our online competitions, to allow us to contact them, to communicate the results of their participation and to send any prizes won to their home address. They could also be useful to us for automatically pulling up activated “personalised” content on the personal pages.
This information is only used by Consorzio Melinda Sca and by the Processing Manager/s; it will never be shared with third parties and the “personal identification” data will never be revealed that could allow others to understand the home address of registered users. Only if the authorities request or when the data are necessary for identifying or contacting or taking legal steps shall we reveal the personal data (exclusion of consent pursuant to art. 24 clause F Italian Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30/6/2003).
The site managed by Consorzio Melinda Sca does not contain content hazardous or unsuitable for minors. To guarantee privacy for personal data, Consorzio Melinda Sca manages registration of users as follows:
- Adults
For registration all mandatory data must be entered.
- Minors
Personal data (for example name, address, telephone number, e-mail…) regarding a minor can only be entered by a parent or legal guardian. In any case, the personal data will only be processed for the competition or activity for which the person registered.
In compliance with art. 7 of Italian Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30/6/2003, users may at any time access or change the information in our possession or cancel their registration. This can be done at any time by clicking on the “Amend data” link on the site.
To request that data be amended or cancelled, write to:
Consorzio Melinda Sca
Via Trento n. 200/9
38023 CLES TN
[email protected]
or clicking directly on the newsletter in the section:
“Click here if you wish to be removed from the Melinda mailing list”
The data provided for registration are protected by a password so that only the registered user can access them and check the information provide and delete them should they be incorrect. It is important to keep your account password safe and confidential. It will never be requested in a phone call or an e-mail message. The party creating the account is the only person responsible for maintaining the password and data provided secret.
After visiting the site you must leave www.melinda.it and close the browser window. This operation ensures that others cannot access the user’s personal data if the computer is used by third parties or if used in a public place such as a library or internet point.